Christian Vachon trains in the Grand Canyon!



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(MAGOG) Don't look for Christian Vachon around today. The Magogois, who became known as much for his many sporting exploits as for the foundation that bears his name or for the Relais du lac Memphrémagog that he founded, set sail for the Grand Canyon in the United States to a training session on the trails of the mythical Rim-to-Rim race.

Far from home, about 80 kilometers to cover in the Grand Canyon and above all 11,000 feet (3353 m) of elevation gain to face, this is a day of training far from being ordinary, some will advance. Vachon's outing is part of his training program in anticipation of the 123 km solo race that he will do, for the second time in his career, around Lake Memphremagog next September during the presentation of the Relais du Lac Memphrémagog.

“I always wanted to test myself on Rim-to-Rim. There are places like this that you want to visit as a runner and I decided it was time to do it even if it's not in an official race. It fits well in my training and it will give me a good idea of where I am in my physical condition. I estimate that I will need between seven and eight hours to complete the route I have in mind,” said Christian Vachon, who recently ran three marathons in as many days in training.

The tour of the garden and a project

The one who ran his first marathon at the age of 17 has made an important decision about his future in the middle of running. “After 20 years of running, I have walked around the garden. I have other passions to live, to discover, and I'm going to become a Sunday runner. No more training for a competition or a personal challenge. I will find a certain balance in my life. When my children play soccer, I want to be a present dad,” to chain the one who will always be grateful to his favorite discipline.

“Running served as a springboard for me to survive my demons, to move forward in life. Over time, it became my bottle of beer,” he said.

Vachon will take advantage of his last lap on September 27 to pay for himself and to give life to another project that will ensure the sustainability of his foundation. "It's a project that I've had in mind for a long time. I want to go after my dreams and this project is one of them. In addition, it gives me one more reason to run the 123 kilometers along the shores of the lake on September 27th. I can't wait to make the announcement,” concluded Christian Vachon.


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