The Train of words

To mark International Literacy Day on September 8, the Train of words and the Memphremagog Library are joining forces to present a magnificent documentary to the public.



All citizens are invited, as well as community organizations and the media. Free entry.



The 53-minute film is called Nou, the writers (sic). He follows for 3 years an extraordinary project : the participants of the literacy center of the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district in Montreal write and publish a book together! Hard to hold back tears at the end...



After the screening, we will talk with the audience about the situation of people who have reading and writing difficulties, and about what the train of words intends to do to improve it in our MRC.



Put this film on your agenda today : Tuesday, September 8, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., at the Memphremagog Library. Bring friends, everyone is welcome!

Aucun résultat.