The Foundation allows an adventure on 2 wheels!

Finally, the cycling season has arrived!

Unfortunately, not all families can afford a bike for each of their children, especially with the current shortage!

The Christian Vachon Foundation, in collaboration with the CFER Memphrémagog, and the Center of school services of des Sommets and Desjardins, offered 60 bicycles to children from families in vulnerable areas.

It is with great joy that the families, accompanied by their children, came to pick up their new bikes at La Ruche high school! Patrice Maltais, CFER Memphrémagog teacher and head of the Adopt a Bike project, says, “ It's always a pleasure to hand over the bikes to the children. A little boy, who came to adopt a bike this year, jumped on his mount to try it out in the yard, a smile from ear to ear. The delivery of the bikes is one of the reasons that make us want to continue the project. »

In addition to having had confirmation for the continuity of the project next year, note that the Adopt a Bike Project still needs parts and used bikes. So, to all cycling enthusiasts, go for a little walk in your garage, pick up the parts or bikes you no longer need and bring them to La Ruche.

Please drop them off at gate 30 (the one near a blue "room cage").


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